English call

Beat The System – Solidarity instead of competition!

On 05.01.2024 we will dance through the streets of Karlsruhe, we want to beat the system!

Racism, patriarchy and the distribution of wealth are no coincidence.

Some people are not poor because others know more or can do more, but some have too little, others too much, and there is a system behind it.

Specifically, the system in which we live is characterized by nationalism, capitalism, sexism, anti-Semitism, colonialism and general misanthropy.
A system that not only allows poverty, inflation, global exploitation, patriarchy, racism, isolationism and climate catastrophes, but actively promotes and justifies them!

Since land has been fenced off and only a few people still own it, people can no longer adequately meet their basic needs.

Some people own the land, others are allowed to work on it.

If they are lucky, they can use their wages to pay the rent for their home, which does not belong to them either. In addition to sleeping and eating, the next generation of workers is raised in their homes, who are rammed into the system from the start and restricted in their freedom.

But the conditions we live in are not natural!

Being restricted and squeezed – why should we accept this?
We say: Solidarity instead of competition! Down with excellence!

We don’t want to be stuck in the capitalist world any longer!